Sunday, January 08, 2006

Crystal Palace haven't beaten the Miami Dolphins since 67 BC

So its FA Cup weekend, and something is really really bugging me. I think the first time that I noticed this was when the Premier League (I still refuse to call it the Premiership) highlights went to ITV. Suddenly there were all these statistics before every match about; "Birmingham haven't beaten so and so team since 1965". Well frankly so the fuck what - since it would normally turn out that in fact Birmingham hadn't played so and so team since 1966 anyway, because they'd been in different divisions! In my mind this is just plain shoddy cheap journalism looking to report something interesting where nothing is in fact there.

So anyway, I was playing pool with Steve yesterday, playing mighty well I might add...and they've got Sky on in the background, and well maybe Sky having been dealing in quotations suchs as the above for many many years now - but ehy're just trotting out this crpa again and again, about teams which haven't never bloody played more than one game in 50 years anyway - and frankly - well I'm unimpressed.


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